This quiz is for logged in users only. Nombre de usuario o correo electrónico Contraseña Recuérdame Time is Up! Time's up This quiz is for logged in users only. Nombre de usuario o correo electrónico Contraseña Recuérdame Time's up Show session ID Cargar y ver lo que llevo hechoGuardar examen Welcome to your Test 3 - B2 1. • All the ways of expressing future Tell me 3 things you are doing this weekend. 2. • All the ways of expressing future What do you think you will do in December? 3. • All the ways of expressing future what are you going to do in order to keep improving your english skills by the moment you finish your english course? 4. • All the ways of expressing future Make 2 sentences using ¨be about to¨ 5. • All the ways of expressing future What will you be doing next Saturday at 3:00 pm? 6. • All the ways of expressing future Write down 2 things you knew the teacher was going to ask you to do on this test? 7. • All the ways of expressing future Write down 3 new things you will have learnt by the time you finish this test. 8. • Subordinate clauses Write down 3 examples of subordinate clauses. 9. • Subordinate clauses Choose the sentences that begin with a subordinate clause. When I go to the park, I can play football. They met at university before they got married. Before I learnt english, I coudn't understand a word in english. We can visit grandma if we finish our homework early. Whenever you need me, you can call. If you study, you can pass the test. I decided to call you once you said you like me. 10. • The subjunctive Are you suggesting that everyone writes an essay? correct incorrect Ninguna 11. • The subjunctive When work is especially hectic, Ritu sometimes wishes she was not the boss. correct incorrect Ninguna 12. • The subjunctive The government will likely urge that the foreign diplomat leave the country before civil unrest escalates. correct incorrect Ninguna 13. • The subjunctive Marie’s uncle suggests that she takes the unpaved road to the château because the drive, though hair-raising at times, is stunningly beautiful. correct incorrect Ninguna 14. • The subjunctive The trainer strongly recommends that you are stretched and warmed up before lifting any weights. correct incorrect Ninguna 15. If only they have more time! Correct the mistake. 16. If only the weather was a little better! Correct the mistake. 17. If I was rich, I would travel around the world. Correct the mistake. 18. They requested that she arrives early. Correct the mistake. 19. It is important that they are present at the meeting. Correct the mistake. 20. He wishes that he was rich. Correct the mistake. 21. They wish they have studied harder when they were young. Correct the mistake. 22. It is important (that) we are on time. Correct the mistake. 23. It is important (that) we are not late. Correct the mistake. 24. He suggested that I took an English course. Correct the mistake. 25. I can’t take any days off around Christmas. Choose the correct one in subjuntive! Our supervisor insists that we don't take vacation during the holidays. Our supervisor insists that we not take vacation during the holidays. Our supervisor insisted that we didn't take vacation during the holidays. 26. Juan knows what he’s talking about. I recommend you to take his advice. I recommend that you take his advice. I recommend that you takes his advice. 27. The customer was extremely upset. He demanded refunding his money. He demanded we refund his money. He demanded that we refunded his money. 28. • The ‘unreal’ past Rewrite these sentences with the new beginnings. (use the proper unreal past structure)What a pity he didn't spend more time revising. 29. • The ‘unreal’ past Rewrite these sentences with the new beginnings.What a shame you didn't tell me earlier. 30. • The ‘unreal’ past Rewrite these sentences with the new beginnings.I should have learnt German at school! 31. • Pronouns, adverbs and prepositions in relative clauses Is that the man (who) she spoke to? EVERYDAY ENGLISH FORMAL ENGLISH Ninguna 32. • Pronouns, adverbs and prepositions in relative clauses That’s the tree (that) they buried the treasure under. EVERYDAY ENGLISH FORMAL ENGLISH Ninguna 33. • Pronouns, adverbs and prepositions in relative clauses The problem about which we spoke is very important. EVERYDAY ENGLISH FORMAL ENGLISH Ninguna 34. • Pronouns, adverbs and prepositions in relative clauses I like the friend with whom you live. EVERYDAY ENGLISH FORMAL ENGLISH Ninguna 35. Make one new sentence from each pair of sentences as shown in the example--Use the pronoun given. Example : Ana is a friend. I went on holiday with her. WHOExample: Ana is the friend who I went on holiday with. Por favor selecciona tu respuesta 36. Make one new sentence from each pair of sentences as shown in the example--Use the pronoun given. This is Mr.Perez. His son Pedro plays in our team. WhoseThis is Mr Perez____________________________ 37. Make one new sentence from each pair of sentences as shown in the example--Use the pronoun given. This is the bank. We borrowed the money from it. WhichThis is the bank____________________________ 38. Make one new sentence from each pair of sentences as shown in the example--Use the pronoun given. I told you about a person. She is at the doctor. WhoThe person ___________________________ 1 out of 7 Time's up Show session ID Cargar y ver lo que llevo hechoGuardar examen Welcome to your Test 4 - B2 1. Friendship Issues In a few lines tell us a little bit about some Friendship issues you have experiencied throughout your life. Please, use linkers and linking Adverbial. 2. Failure In a few lines tell us your opinion about failing in life and how you have handled it throughout your life. Please, use linkers and linking Adverbial. 3. Financial Crisis In a few lines tell us your opinion about having financial crisis in life and how we can handled it throughout our life. Please, use linkers and linking Adverbial. 4. Career Pressure In a few lines tell us your experience about feeling career pressure throughout your life. Please, use linkers and linking Adverbial. 5. Unfair Treatment In a few lines tell us what you think about unfair treatment.Please, use linkers and linking Adverbial. 6. Inner Peace How could we get inner peace?Please, use linkers and linking Adverbial. 7. Mental Health Issues What is the best way to handle mental health issues?Please, use linkers and linking Adverbial. 8. Workplace Issues In a few lines tell us your experience about having and solving workplace issues throughout your life. Please, use linkers and linking Adverbial. 9. Emptiness Why do people sometimes feel emptiness throughout their lives. Please, use linkers and linking Adverbial. 1 out of 2 Time is Up! Time's up Show session ID Cargar y ver lo que llevo hechoGuardar examen Welcome to your Test 5 – B2 1. Dependent prepositions I-- with verbs Make 13 sentences using all the future tense structures.Use the following verbs: Aim at Apologize to Argue about Argue with Arrive at (place) Belong to Boast about Compete with Complain about Confess to Count on Escape from Specialize in Indicación 2. • Dependent prepositions II--With Nouns Make 6 sentences using all the perfect tense structures.Use the following nouns with its preposition: Approach to Awareness of Knowledge of Objection to Trust in Role in Indicación 3. Dependent prepositions III---- With Adjectives Make 14 sentences using all the conditional structures.Use the following adjectives and a verb of your preference: Accused of Amazed at/by Ashamed of Aware of Beneficial to Capable of Cluttered with Consistent with Dependent on Eligible for Enthusiastic about Guilty of Indifferent to Related to Indicación 1 out of 1 Time is Up! Time's up Show session ID Cargar y ver lo que llevo hechoGuardar examen Welcome to your Test 6 – B2 1. Phrasal verbs I Match the phrasal verb with its meaning. come across be in for bring up carry through fall for go over break in break down get through be about to be against cut down (on) carry on (with) go off go down with get along (with) become ill 1) be tricked, 2) fall in love with sb continue esp despite difficulties 1) explode, 2) (of food) go bad reduce amount consumed 1) finish work, 2) reach sb by phone 1) (intr) enter by force, 2) (on) interrupt, 3) (horses etc) train 1) raise a child, 2) vomit, 3) introduce a subject, 4) mention have a friendly relationship meet/find by chance be about to experience be opposed to 1) (of machinery) stop working, 2) (of a person) lose control of feelings 1) complete despite difficulties, 2) help sb survive during troubled times 1) examine details, 2) repeat be on the point of 2. Phrasal verbs II Make sentences in all the possible progressive tenses.Use the following phrasal verbs:keep at sth: continue working on sthkeep sb/sth down: controllet on: reveal a secretlook after: take care oflook down on: despise (opp. look up to)look forward: to anticipatemake up: 1) invent (story, poem etc), 2) make an amount complete, 3) compose, 4) reconcile, 5) prepare (by mixing)make up for: compensate forput off: postponeput up with: toleraterun out of: come to an endstand by: 1) remain loyal esp in a difficult situation, 2) watch passively, 3) be ready for actionwork up: develop 3. Three-Word Phrasal Verbs (Transitive) I Make up a short story using the following phrasal verbs:break in on-interrupt (a conversation)come up with-to contribute (suggestion, money)get rid of-eliminatemake sure of-verifyrun out of-exhaust supplythink back on-recallwalk out on-abandon 1 out of 1 Time's up Show session ID Cargar y ver lo que llevo hechoGuardar examen Welcome to your Test 7 – B2 1. Common collocations I Tell us short stories( you have experienced) using all the collocations given. Use all the possible past structures.Break a habitMake an effortMake roomDo a dealDo your bestTake drugs 2. Common collocations II Make sentences using all the English tense structures.Get a lifeDo some writingMake a rude gestureMake arrangementsDo damageMake a differenceMake a livingMake a profitMake an impact 1 out of 1 Time is Up! Time's up Show session ID Cargar y ver lo que llevo hechoGuardar examen Welcome to your Test 8 - B2 1. • have /get something done Make sentences using the structure have /get something done, use the nouns and verbs given below.Example: Offices - designI'm having my offices designed by a famous architect.Use the tense of your preference.Verbs: repair- wash-decorate-build-clean-send-bake-do-test-book-polish-paint-takeNouns: TV -car-kitchen-palace-Room-book-bread-hair-blood-a meeting -nails-school-photograph 2. • verbs often confused Fill the blanks with SET/SIT/RISE/RAISE/ LAY/LIEI was told to the book down.I it down as I have laid other books down.I am more books down now.I was told downI'm still hereThe sun in the morning your arms above your headOur favourite restaurant has its prices againRents have sharply in this part of townWe on the beach for hours.The Government House in a big squareParents should an exampleThe waitress the tray down on the table 3. • the passive causative Match the sentences: We have had our house I got my hair I need some photocopies. Do you know where I can get that Next Saturday I´m going to the I got my bedroom Don't worry, Mr. Perez. I'll have a replacement printer I'll contact my office in Lima straight away and have the contract I had the windows Next week I´m talking my accountant This afternoon I´m going to The council have just had I don't think my eyes are as good as they used to be. I need to have them tested the town hall rebuilt. the dentist to have a tooth taken out. repainted. done around here? vet´s to have my dog vaccinated to have my annual accounts done. decorated cleaned dyed faxed through to you send to you immediately. 4. • parallel structures Correct the mistake:Susan likes swimming, hiking, and to ride a bicycle.Susan likes swimming, hiking, and a bicycle. 5. • parallel structures Correct the mistake:Rafael delivered his speech with confidence and enthusiasticallyRafael delivered his speech with confidence and . 6. • parallel structures Correct the mistake:Sophe likes playing the clarinet, to march in the band, and watching the football games.Sophe likes playing the clarinet, in the band, and watching the football games. 1 out of 2 You’ve already answered some of the questions! Would you like to continue with quiz or restart it from beginning? Time is Up! Time's up Show session ID Cargar y ver lo que llevo hechoGuardar examen Welcome to your Test 9 - B2 1. Simple present: For repeated or regular actions in the present time period. Make a sentence with the use given. 2. Simple present: For facts Make a sentence with the use given. 3. Simple present: For habits. Make a sentence with the use given. 4. Simple present: For things that are always / generally true. Make a sentence with the use given. 5. Present progressive: Describing an Action within a Limited Period Make a sentense with the use given. 6. Present progressive: Referring to an Incomplete or Unfinished Act Make a sentense with the use given. 7. Present progressive: Describing an Action at the Moment of Speaking Make a sentense with the use given. 8. Present progressive: Using Mentioned Duration of Time in the Future Make a sentense with the use given. 9. Present progressive: Actions Arranged for Future Tasks Make a sentense with the use given. 10. Present progressive: Using with Adverbs for Overusing Verbs Make a sentense with the use given. 11. Present progressive: Describing Unsettled or Changing Situations Make a sentense with the use given. 12. Simple past: Finished actions, states or habits in the past. Make 1 sentence with the use given. 13. Simple past: finished actions, states or habits in the past when we know from general knowledge that the time past Make 1 sentence with the use given. 14. Simple past: finished actions, states or habits in the past that we have introduced with the present perfect. Make 1 sentence with the use given. 15. Past progressive: actions were in progress at special time in the past Make a sentence with the use given. 16. Past progressive: two actions were happening at the same time (the actions do not influence each other) Make a sentence with the use given. 17. Past progressive: together with the Simple Past Make a sentence with the use given. 18. Past progressive: repeated actions irritating the speaker (with always, constantly, forever) Make a sentence with the use given. 19. Will or going to? ( uses) Choose the uses of will. Used for spontaneous decisions. Used for planned actions and intentions. Indicates prior decision or arrangement. Indicates a high degree of certainty. Often used for predictions based on present evidence. for actions that have been planned before speaking Commonly used in promises, offers, and predictions based on opinions or beliefs. for decisions made at the moment of speaking. for predictions based on personal belief or opinion When we have already decided or we INTEND to do something in the future. (Prior Plan) in promises, offers, and requests When there are definite signs that something is going to happen. (Evidence) For things that we decide to do now. (Rapid Decisions) When something is about to happen When we think or believe something about the future. (Prediction) To make an offer, a promise or a threat. when someone refuses to do something. 20. Will or going to? ( uses) Choose the uses of be going to. Used for spontaneous decisions. Used for planned actions and intentions. Indicates prior decision or arrangement. Indicates a high degree of certainty. Often used for predictions based on present evidence. for actions that have been planned before speaking Commonly used in promises, offers, and predictions based on opinions or beliefs. for decisions made at the moment of speaking. for predictions based on personal belief or opinion When we have already decided or we INTEND to do something in the future. (Prior Plan) in promises, offers, and requests When there are definite signs that something is going to happen. (Evidence) For things that we decide to do now. (Rapid Decisions) When something is about to happen When we think or believe something about the future. (Prediction) To make an offer, a promise or a threat. when someone refuses to do something. 21. Past perfect - present perfect simple Choose the past perfect uses. Completed Action Before Something in the Past Duration Before Something in the Past (Non-Continuous Verbs) IMPORTANT Specific Times Sequencing past events Past reasons & explanations Past states Unfinished actions With 'Since' and 'for' Finished actions-Life experience. Life experience. These are actions or events that happened sometime during a person's life. We don't say when the experience happened and the person needs to be alive now. We often use the words 'ever' and 'never' here With an unfinished time word (this month, this week, today). The period of time is still continuing. A finished action with a result in the present (focus on result). To talk about something that happened in the recent past, but that is still true or important now. Sometimes we can use the past simple here, especially in US English. To talk about something that happened recently, even if there isn't a clear result in the present. This is common when we want to introduce news and we often use the words 'just / yet / already / recently'. However, the past simple is also correct in these cases, especially in US English. 22. Past perfect - present perfect simple Choose the present perfect uses. Completed Action Before Something in the Past Duration Before Something in the Past (Non-Continuous Verbs) IMPORTANT Specific Times Sequencing past events Past reasons & explanations Past states Unfinished actions With 'Since' and 'for' Finished actions-Life experience. Life experience. These are actions or events that happened sometime during a person's life. We don't say when the experience happened and the person needs to be alive now. We often use the words 'ever' and 'never' here With an unfinished time word (this month, this week, today). The period of time is still continuing. A finished action with a result in the present (focus on result). To talk about something that happened in the recent past, but that is still true or important now. Sometimes we can use the past simple here, especially in US English. To talk about something that happened recently, even if there isn't a clear result in the present. This is common when we want to introduce news and we often use the words 'just / yet / already / recently'. However, the past simple is also correct in these cases, especially in US English. 23. Present perfect progressive- past perfect progressive Choose the present perfect progressive uses. Actions that began in the past and continued to the present New or recent activities A noticeable result in the present We use this grammar to talk about something that started in the past, but is still happening to show that something started in the past and continued up until another time in the past. the duration does not continue until now, it stops before something else in the past. before another action in the past is a good way to show cause and effect. emphasizes a duration of time before something in the past. 24. Present perfect progressive- past perfect progressive Choose the past perfect progressive uses. Actions that began in the past and continued to the present New or recent activities A noticeable result in the present We use this grammar to talk about something that started in the past, but is still happening to show that something started in the past and continued up until another time in the past. the duration does not continue until now, it stops before something else in the past. before another action in the past is a good way to show cause and effect. emphasizes a duration of time before something in the past. 25. Future progressive: - It is used to describe actions that will/are going to be in progress in the future Write down many activities you will be doing this weekend.. 26. Future perfect- future perfect progressive Choose the future perfect uses. We use the future perfect to say 'how long' for an action that starts before and continues up to another action or time in the future. With a future time word, (and often with 'by') to talk about an action that will finish before a certain time in the future, but we don't know exactly when. actions that will have happened by a certain time in the future. Duration Before Something in the Future to refer to an action that will still be happening at a specific time in the future is used to describe a fact that is not yet true but which is expected to be true in the future if progress continues. 27. Future perfect- future perfect progressive Choose the future perfect ptogressive uses. We use the future perfect to say 'how long' for an action that starts before and continues up to another action or time in the future. With a future time word, (and often with 'by') to talk about an action that will finish before a certain time in the future, but we don't know exactly when. actions that will have happened by a certain time in the future. Duration Before Something in the Future to refer to an action that will still be happening at a specific time in the future is used to describe a fact that is not yet true but which is expected to be true in the future if progress continues. 1 out of 14 Time's up Show session ID Cargar y ver lo que llevo hechoGuardar examen Welcome to your Test 10 - B2 1. English idioms I Match the meaning: Caught Red-Handed Rings a Bell get Cold Feet It's not Rocket Science Give Someone the Cold Shoulder To Talk Someone’s Ear Off Cool as a Cucumber Cost an arm and a leg It’s not rocket science is used to say that you do not think something is very difficult to do or understand. To talk so much to cause someone to be bored to death; to talk excessively or far more than is wanted or appreciated. To be discovered in the middle of doing something wrong or committing a crime (e.g. cheating or stealing). Something that sounds familiar to you or causes you to remember something or someone (usually when you cannot remember the exact details). Extremely calm, relaxed and in control of your emotions. Be extremely expensive To be unfriendly to someone and ignore them deliberately To become nervous or frightened to do something you had planned to do. 2. English idioms II Describe in your own words the meaning of the following English idioms: Copy and paste on the paragraph spaceActions speak louder than words:Apple of ( one's) eye:Bad blood:Black out: Piece of cake: Hold your horses:Spill the beans:Break a leg: Turn the house upside down: 3. English idioms II Describe in your own words the meaning of the following English idioms: Apple of ( one's) eye: 4. English idioms II Describe in your own words the meaning of the following English idioms: Bad blood: 5. English idioms II Describe in your own words the meaning of the following English idioms:Black out: 6. English idioms II Describe in your own words the meaning of the following English idioms: Black out: 7. English idioms II Describe in your own words the meaning of the following English idioms: Piece of cake: 8. English idioms II Describe in your own words the meaning of the following English idioms: Turn the house upside down: 9. English idioms II Describe in your own words the meaning of the following English idioms: Hold your horses: 10. English idioms II Describe in your own words the meaning of the following English idioms: Spill the beans: 11. English idioms II Describe in your own words the meaning of the following English idioms: Break a leg: 12. English idioms III Make a sentence using the following idiom:Barking up the wrong tree: pursuing something unattainable 13. English idioms III Make a sentence using the following idiom:Pull yourself together: Calm down 14. English idioms III Make a sentence using the following idiom:Water under the bridge: a past event that should be forgotten 15. English idioms III Make a sentence using the following idiom:Keeping an eye on something/someone: watching something or someone very carefully 16. English idioms III Make a sentence using the following idiom:Barking up the wrong tree: pursuing something unattainable 17. English idioms II Describe in your own words the meaning of the following English idioms: Apple of ( one's) eye: Ninguna 18. donde esta 1 out of 9 Time is Up! Time's up Show session ID Cargar y ver lo que llevo hechoGuardar examen Welcome to your Final test- B2 1. Modal Perfects Make 1 sentence using the following structure and use: must have done = we are almost sure something happened in the past 2. Modal Perfects Make 1 sentence using the following structure and use: can't have done = we are almost sure something did not happen in the past 3. Modal Perfects Make 1 sentence using the following structure and use: May / might / could have done = it is possible that something happened in the past but wearen't sure. 4. Modal Perfects Make 1 sentence using the following structure and use: Could have done = we had the ability to do something in the past but did not do it. 5. Modal Perfects Make 1 sentence using the following structure and use: Should have / ought to have done = (a) it was the right thing to do but we didn't do it. (b)we expected something to happen but it didn't. 6. Modal Perfects Make 1 sentence using the following structure and use: Needn't have done = it wasn't necessary to do something but we did it. 7. Modal Perfects Make 1 sentence using the following structure and use: Would have done = we wanted to do something but we didn't do it in the end. 8. Linkers Match the meaning Por otra parte, por otro lado Consecuentemente, por consiguiente En tiempos pasados Además de esto Antiguamente En realidad, a decir verdad Para resumir En la antiguedad Es más Del mismo modo Además A pesar de que, a pesar de todo Sin embargo, no obstante Lo que es más Formerly In former times In the same way, similarly Moreover In addition, what’s more, besides, furthermore, moreover Besides this, in addition to this To sum up, in short Consequently, in this sense, in this regard In ancient times In fact What’s more, on top of that However, nevertheless, all the same, still On the other hand, in contrast, conversely Despite, all the same, still, regardless of. 9. • gradable and ungradable adjectives select the wrong adverb option: It's a(n) ____________ nice day, isn't it? absolutely really very Ninguna Indicación 10. • gradable and ungradable adjectives select the wrong adverb option: I thought the film was __________ amazing. absolutely quite extremely Ninguna 11. • gradable and ungradable adjectives select the wrong adverb option:It's __________marvellous news. absolutely very really Ninguna 12. I can’t see the small print very well. I think I ____ wear glasses soon. have to will have to I am going to Ninguna 13. I _____ her for everything she _____. had thanked / had done thanked / had done have thanked / has done Ninguna 14. The teacher’s children _____.. was kidnapped has been kidnapped have been kidnapped Ninguna 15. After they _____ their work, they ___ home had finish/ went had finished / had gone had finished / went Ninguna 16. You _____ work hard after your exam. You can have a holiday. won’t have won’t have to had not to Ninguna 17. Why is she learning Spanish? -She ___ travel to Spain. will is going to Either could be used here Ninguna 18. She does not_____ English. speak speakes speaks Ninguna 19. How many times (do)___________ you (read)___________ that book? do___readed did___read did_____readed Ninguna 20. Do you speak French? Yes, I do Yes, I Yes, I speak Ninguna 21. ____ she clean the house on Saturdays ? do have does Ninguna 22. They do not _____ Tortillas. eat eats eates Ninguna 23. The police (catch)___________ all three of the bank robbers last week. catched catch caught Ninguna 24. Does he_____ the car on Mondays? washes wash washs Ninguna 25. First, we (do)___________ exercise, and then we (drink)___________ some water. do___drinked done___drank did___drank Ninguna 26. They _______ not my friends. was were is Ninguna 27. I did not______ my phone. sold sell selled Ninguna 28. We’re ____________ in a beautiful holiday home at the moment. stayed staying stay Ninguna 29. Unfortunately, I (forget)___________ to (bring)___________ my money. forgotten___bringed forgot__brought forgot___bring Ninguna 30. I __________a movie when the lights went out. I was I were I am Ninguna 31. Coffee ____________ to be much cheaper a few years ago. used would could Ninguna 32. I’m not sure about my future. ____________ I will start a business Absolutely Clearly Perhaps Ninguna 33. I’ll call you when I ____________ home. will get get am getting Ninguna 34. He bought it himself, ____________ he? didn’t hasn’t haven’t Ninguna 35. The newspaper People Today ____________ published for over 60 years. is being has been was being Ninguna 36. If the car ____________ been so expensive, he would have bought it. hadn’t weren’t wasn’t Ninguna 37. It ____________ be meat free – it tastes just like chicken! could can can’t Ninguna 38. When I go to university, I may ____________ history study to study studying Ninguna 39. If I hadn’t gone out last night, I ____________ be so tired now. hadn’t wouldn’t won’t Ninguna 40. I ____________ like apples, but I can’t stop eating them now. didn’t use to couldn’t wouldn’t Ninguna 41. They said they ____________ studying for ages. had been are has been Ninguna 42. If you have any problems, don't worry; I ____ help you. Either could be used here will am going to Ninguna 43. Tea or coffee? I'm going to have tea, please. I'll have tea, please. Either could be used here Ninguna 44. Have you got any plans for tomorrow? Yes, I ______visit my grandparents. will am going to Either could be used here Ninguna 45. My father, ____________ is a dentist, told me not to drink sugary drinks. that who which Ninguna 46. You have finished your work, ___? didn’t you haven’t you have you Ninguna 47. I completely forgot about it. Give me a moment; I ____ do it now. Either could be used here will am going to Ninguna 48. I am the best student in the class, ______I? am not aren’t isn’t Ninguna 49. Indirect questions Which one are indirect questions? Can you tell me if she lives in the street? Can you tell me when the food is ready? could you tell me why she is here? Can you tell me if she had found out about Nicky? Can you tell me if he will finish what he begins? Is the restaurant open? Does she live in the street? Did he know you were pregnant? Has he been to New York? 50. Tom _____ already left when you arrived. has had have Ninguna 51. I like ____________ out for dinner with my mother going to go Ninguna 52. I like __________ pay my bills online paying to pay Ninguna 53. I'm thinking of ____________ a party on Monday. have having to have Ninguna 54. I can never find my books Her too Neither can I. I can’t too. Ninguna 55. Are you interested in ______ a watch? to buy buying buy Ninguna 56. Traffic was bad because the highway _____ repaired. is is being Will be Ninguna 57. He seems _____________ his new job. to be enjoyed to be enjoying to have enjoyed Ninguna 58. They didn’t consider the traffic problem when the plans for the project _____ made last year. was being were being have been Ninguna 59. Expressing purpose with to and for I need my computer send an important email. 60. We expect ______________ her decision soon. to have told to be enjoying to be told Ninguna 61. Nancy had imagined it _____ different. was will be to be Ninguna 62. She has finished her friendship with him. She has done for him. She done at him. She is done with him. Ninguna 63. I won’t go unless Mary goes. I won’t go when Mary goes. I will go if Mary doesn’t go. I won’t go if Mary doesn’t go. Ninguna 64. I wish I could find ______ . some quiet where to live a quit somewhere to live somewhere quiet to live Ninguna 65. Expressing purpose with to and for Do you have time a cup of tea? 66. Which sentence uses the correct order of adjectives? I like that really big red old antique tractor in the museum. I like that really big old red antique tractor in the museum. I like that old, red, really big antique tractor in the museum. Ninguna 67. Tom didn’t call the police. Helen didn’t call ____ . them, too him, too them, either Ninguna 68. He has a headache so he ____ take an aspirin. ought must had to Ninguna 69. By the end of the year, I ____ this journey ten times. will do will have been doing will have done Ninguna 70. He would have told me if he ____ it. knew would know had known Ninguna 71. Don’t mention it. It’s the ____ I can do. least less little Ninguna 72. We ____ shelter until it stops snowing, or we’ll freeze. had rather to would better had better Ninguna 73. My son is seventeen years old. He is ____ to get married. enough young very young too young Ninguna 74. He has an exam tomorrow, so he ____ study. ought had to must Ninguna 75. I ____ up early last year. use to get used to getting used to get Ninguna 76. I took a taxi so that I ____ miss the train. won’t can’t wouldn’t Ninguna 77. I’d ____ finish this book. not better to better not to better not Ninguna 78. They came here ____ the second day of May at in on Ninguna 79. I’d ____ finish this book. not better to better not to better not Ninguna 80. She would tell you so if she ____ it. would know had known knew Ninguna 81. I’m not _________ that subject. interesting with interested by interested in Ninguna 82. I’m not _________ that subject. interesting with interested by interested in Ninguna 83. She ____ go there. would rather not to wouldn’t rather would rather not Ninguna 84. He has an apartment ________ Maple Street. on at in Ninguna 85. My uncle has not been here ________ the end of May. during for since Ninguna 86. He never watches TV ________ Sunday. at in on Ninguna 87. I know it is here ________ . anywhere everywhere somewhere Ninguna 88. Which sentence uses the correct order of adjectives? My brother rode a beautiful Friesian big black horse in the parade. My brother rode a beautiful big black Friesian horse in the parade. My brother rode a big, black, beautiful Friesian horse in the parade. Ninguna 89. That book is not Helen’s. It is ________ . my his them Ninguna 90. Tom cut ________ while he was shaving this morning his himself him Ninguna 91. Which sentence uses the correct order of adjectives? My brother rode a beautiful Friesian big black horse in the parade. My brother rode a beautiful big black Friesian horse in the parade. My brother rode a big, black, beautiful Friesian horse in the parade. Ninguna 92. My friend and ________ went for a walk. mine I me Ninguna 93. Tom and Martha are learning judo so that they can protect ________if necessary. their themselves them Ninguna 94. I wish I _____ those words. But now it's too late. have never said had never said never said Ninguna 95. Last year, when I last met him, he told me he _____ a letter every day for the last two months. had written had been writing has written Ninguna 96. If Anita doesn’t hurry, she ________ be able to finish her paper. can’t won’t would Ninguna 97. ___ your mother from Spanish? are is am Ninguna 98. The man, who has been missing for 10 days, is believed _____. to be abducted to have been abducted to have been abducting Ninguna 99. ____ forced to do anything. She acted of his own free will. In any way she was In no way was she in any way was she Ninguna 100. We _____ in the basement for three months. were made to sleep were made to sleep made to sleep Ninguna 101. We _____ in the basement for three months. were made to sleep were made to sleep made to sleep Ninguna 102. We _____ in the basement for three months. were made to sleep were made to sleep made to sleep Ninguna 103. It _____ the best idea to pay for those phones by credit card. It was too risky. may not be may not have been might not be Ninguna 104. This is the ________ suit he has ever bought. more expensive most expensive most expensively Ninguna 105. Berlin is _____ Paris. more dirty than dirtier than dirtiest than Ninguna 106. Quiet please! I ______a test. written write am writing Ninguna 107. I work at Stater Brothers. simple past simple present present perfect Ninguna 108. I (not / do) anything at the moment. do not do does not doing am not doing Ninguna 109. Paris is _____ Madrid. most cheap than more cheap than cheaper than Ninguna 110. Prague is one of the _____ cities in Europe More beautiful most beautiful beautifulest Ninguna 111. Birds use their wings to fly. simple past simple present present perfect Ninguna 112. There are so many people in the street, ___? are there aren’t there aren’t they Ninguna 113. Are you interested in ______ a watch? to buy buying buy Ninguna 114. There isn’t ____ at the bus-stop. people somebody anybody Ninguna 115. It _______we cannot go out now. were raining was raining is raining Ninguna 116. ‘Where are the kids?’ ‘They______in the garden.’ was were are Ninguna 1 out of 20 Time's up